As a healthcare professional, it is crucial to have the right protective equipment to perform the job safely and prevent the spread of infectious diseases. One of the critical pieces of protective equipment is the surgical gown. It forms a critical barrier between the patient and the healthcare professional, preventing germs and bacteria from spreading from one person to another. In this article, we will discuss what the highest level of surgical gown is and what the different levels are.

A surgical gown is a type of personal protective equipment (PPE) that is worn during surgical or invasive procedures. It provides a barrier to prevent contamination and the spread of germs from one person to another. The highest level of surgical gown is level 4. These gowns are typically used in surgery centers and other high-risk areas where there is a high potential for contact with biological hazards.
The American National Standards Institute (ANSI) and the Association for the Advancement of Medical Instrumentation (AAMI) have established standards for surgical gowns based on the level of protection they provide. The levels range from 1 to 4, with level 1 offering the lowest protection and level 4 offering the highest. The higher the level, the more protective the gown.
Level 1 surgical gowns are used for low-risk situations such as basic care, standard isolation, and a cover gown for visitors. They are typically made of lightweight materials and provide minimal protection against fluids.
Level 2 surgical gowns are used for situations where there is a low to moderate risk of exposure. These gowns are specifically designed to provide protection against fluids, and they are typically used in dental procedures, blood draw, and suturing.
Level 3 surgical gowns are used for moderate to high-risk situations. They provide a higher level of protection against fluids than level 2 gowns and are used in surgeries where there is a risk of exposure to infectious agents or bodily fluids. They are also used in emergency rooms and the intensive care unit.
Level 4 surgical gowns are designed to provide the highest level of protection. They are made of heavy-duty materials and provide increased resistance against fluids and pathogens. These gowns are used in procedures where there is a high risk of exposure to infectious agents, such as during surgeries involving Ebola, COVID-19, or other highly infectious diseases.
It is essential to choose the appropriate level of surgical gown based on the level of risk involved in the procedure. Using a gown with a lower level of protection than necessary can put healthcare professionals at risk and increase the risk of spreading infectious diseases.
Surgical gowns play a critical role in preventing the spread of infectious diseases and protecting healthcare professionals. The highest level of surgical gown is level 4, which provides the highest level of protection against fluids and infectious agents. It is essential to choose the appropriate level of surgical gown based on the level of risk involved in the procedure to ensure the safety of healthcare professionals and prevent the spread of disease. With the right protective equipment, healthcare professionals can perform their job safely and provide high-quality care to their patients.